Friday 2 November 2018

Planning that Perfect Wedding has got You Stressed? Hit Pause & Relax

Hello Beautiful Brides!

With all the wedding planning that we have witnessed all these years, we’re certain that planning a wedding is not always cake walk and the planning process is not always as blissful as you might expect it to be. You will be caught off guard with a few curve balls and it will require you investing a lot of patience and time. It will get overwhelming, but you sure will get through it and as you walk down the aisle when the day dawns you will definitely realise it was all worth the stress.
However having said that, dealing with stress rather than letting it build up and take a toll on your well-being is key. The way you feel is bound to reflect on the way you look. If you are a busy bride to be and you’re reading this, we’re glad you’re here and we hope the tips we’ve shared below help you unwind!

Take Time Off

Wedding planning requires some serious full time dedication and balancing it with your full time job may seem more stressful than ever. Treat yourself to some time off, a day or two each week or whatever suits you – but do it! Not only because you need to relax but also because these are the last few months of being single before you  flip the page to new roles and responsibilities. Just take a break – do things you like, have your mum cook your favorite meal and spend time with her, watch your dads favorite sport with him or plan a day out with your siblings. Discover Netflix & Chill, watch your most loved series preferably the light hearted ones that will tickle your funny bones, laugh and be happy because happy girls are the prettiest!

Treat Yourself

You should be pampering yourself regularly but when you’re a bride to be, you sure deserve to do it even more so! Stock up on your favorite bubble bath or bath bombs, treat yourself to your favorite wine, and even your favorite chocolates or comfort food once in a while there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself.
The stress and overwhelm that can be brought on from wedding planning is not healthy and one of the best ways to combat it is by pampering yourself to some “me time” that’s completely unplugged and serene achieve that by getting a mani/pedi, body massage, hair spa while these help you unwind it will also help you achieve your pre wedding self- care goals.

Eat Well & Add Some Form of Work Out

Most brides get very conscious of what goes in their system before the wedding, we get that you want to shed some pounds but don’t set yourself to achieve an unrealistic goal. Eat right and eat healthy. Experiment with healthier alternatives for your favorite food, the internet has plenty of options you could try. Your body and skin need that extra dose of nourishment. When you’re eating well and staying hydrated, your body is happy and healthy. Therefore, it’ll handle stress better and you won’t feel so drained all of the time. Add some work out in your daily routine, if you are not gym savvy try a dance class it’s a fun way of burning calories while you learn some moves for your wedding celebration.  A 30 minute walk/run by the beach or at the park could also do the trick.

Some Girl Time is always a good idea

Set yourself up for some down time with your favorite bunch! Go shopping, grab meals, plan a movie night, sleepovers or go out and have some cocktails! You could even plan a quick bachelorette holiday with them girls. Let loose, laugh a lot, and have a great time with your friends!

Schedule Date Nights

With all the planning doing the rounds it’s important to steal some time alone with each other, because in the end it’s all about the two of you and everything you’re planning is to ensure the two of you have the perfect start to your life together. Handhold each other and sometimes simply being in each other’s company is all the stress therapy you need!

Delegate, Delegate & Delegate Some More

While your urge to be in control of everything is bound to be stronger than ever, Trust us just let go, because you cannot possibly be in too many places when the wedding celebrations begin. Let your event planner take charge and assign a bridesmaid, a friend or a sibling as the point of contact. Plan a meeting with your event planner, the hotel representative to introduce the person you choose to be the point of contact. Run through all the events and the deliverables from the hotel and the event planner before the celebration starts to ensure everybody is on the same page and close any open loops to ensure smooth execution.

Have a Checklist Handy

Draft a checklist with all the tasks that need completion. Have a checklist with cut off dates will help you stay on track and ensure nothing is left unattended, you can share a similar list with your with  event planner and the people you delegate to for tasks that need attention during your pre wedding events and during the wedding.

Get Napping
Let napping be your favorite thing to do because hey, every bride needs her beauty sleep! No amount of makeup can compete with well-rested skin and peace of mind. Try to get in your 8 hours each night.

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